Registration Form

Registration ID


First Name*

Middle Name

Last Name*

Name for e-certificate (Including academics degree)*

Gender* MaleFemale

Status* AcedemicaIndustry (Including self-employed)NGOGoverment

Current affiliation*




Repeat Email*

Mailing address

Brief biography

Interest topics/fields*
Powder technology (materials and processing) and its application
Production of powder and particulate materials in gases and liquids (nanoparticles, fine ceramics, pharmaceuticals, foods processing, novel functional materials, etc.)Aerosol and colloidal processingComminutionPowder handling and operations (storage, transport, granulation, separation, fluidization, etc.)
Instrumentation and powder/particle characterization
Particle size analysisMeasurement and control of powder processesAnalytical characterization XRD, SEM (FE-SEM), TEM, etc
Functional and advanced materials
Metal oxide, organic and hybrid materialsOptic and magnetic materialComputational and modeling (materials, CFD, DEM, Monte Carlo method, population balance, etc.)Particle modificationBattery technologyThin film technology for optoelectronic i.e., photovoltaic/PV, display technology, LED, etc Other

Participant type* Paper Presenter (Rp. 2.000.000)Audience (Rp. 350.000)Student Audience (Rp. 250.000)

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