Registration ID
First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Name for e-certificate (Including academics degree)*
Gender* MaleFemale
Status* AcedemicaIndustry (Including self-employed)NGOGoverment
Current affiliation*
Repeat Email*
Mailing address
Brief biography
Interest topics/fields* Powder technology (materials and processing) and its application Production of powder and particulate materials in gases and liquids (nanoparticles, fine ceramics, pharmaceuticals, foods processing, novel functional materials, etc.)Aerosol and colloidal processingComminutionPowder handling and operations (storage, transport, granulation, separation, fluidization, etc.) Instrumentation and powder/particle characterization Particle size analysisMeasurement and control of powder processesAnalytical characterization XRD, SEM (FE-SEM), TEM, etc Functional and advanced materials Metal oxide, organic and hybrid materialsOptic and magnetic materialComputational and modeling (materials, CFD, DEM, Monte Carlo method, population balance, etc.)Particle modificationBattery technologyThin film technology for optoelectronic i.e., photovoltaic/PV, display technology, LED, etc Other
Participant type* Paper Presenter (Rp. 2.000.000)Audience (Rp. 350.000)Student Audience (Rp. 250.000)
Non-student and student are allowed, Two presentation types are provided for presenters: Paper sessions & Poster session
Industry or agency representatives, lecturer (Including post-graduate and post doc researchers)
Actively enrolled in a university as an undergraduate student (not including post-graduate and post doc researchers)